Без Сомали!

          Это назойливая тема про Сомали в моей жизни и смешит и раздражает! Кто на что горазд... одни говорят что моя мама сомалийка, другие что папа сомалиец приехавший в Россию, а потом бросивший нас. Короче полная "сантабарабара" которая разошлась по просторам интернета.
          По просьбе интересующихся и инициативе моего мужа (ему видимо обидно за клевету на русскую девушку а теперь и на него самого :)))) хочу рассказать реальные факты моей семьи.     
          Мой папа абсолютно русский! Высокий голубоглазый русый блондин! И его родители тоже русские и т.д.! Моя мама коми-пермячка, с венгерской кровью. Факт присутствия венгров на горизонте она обнаружила случайно в старой газете архива. Скорее всего поэтому у меня темная кожа и волосы. Эти черты присутствуют почти у всех моих родных по маминой линии.
         Скучный, но краткий ввод в историю. Коми-пермяки это народ который проживал на земле называемой "Пермь Великая", далее происходило заселение русских на эту землю, которые обучили грамоте местное население с помощью пермской азбуки которая состояла в основном из русских букв, таким образом коми пермяки влились в русский народ. Вот.
          Прикладываю фото родителей в полное подтверждение моей истории и надеюсь эта информация разнесется также далеко!


20 комментариев:

  1. Кать, а почему именно Сомали? Они там мелкие, по-моему...
    На самом деле, пишешь все лучше!

  2. Спасибо! :)))
    Почему? Наверное только потому что у меня темные волосы и кожа. Виталик шутит, что теперь, после этой статьи они объявили траур :)))

  3. hey katja! Must begin by saying that you are incredibly beautiful. I was told a few days ago that you "are" half Somali and half Russian. I was shocked and also very curious as I have never seen a girl my age who have a Somali mother and a European father. I am half Somali and half Swedish, my father is Swedish. Now when I read your blog, I understand that this information is incorrect. I wish you every success. I will spread the link!

  4. Just to make sure I understand you correctly I have a question. Does your mother have the Russian nationality?

  5. That's right, both of my parents- my mom and dad russians. In Russia are many ethnic groups which have long mingling with the russians. Mother rather Komi meaning Russian than Hungarian :)))
    A couple of links for clarity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komi , http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%8F%D0%BA%D0%B8 .

  6. Hello Katja,

    Thanks for answering my question! I think I found the source of this problem.

    Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Wikipedia is an amazing project, I spend a lot of time working on it, but Wikipedia is not perfect. A lot of people edit Wikipedia, and most of them are trying to improve it, but some people deliberately write lies on Wikipedia (we call that vandalism).

    Yesterday I was removing vandalism from Wikipedia and I noticed that there was a lot of confusion about your heritage/ethnicity/nationality.

    I spend some time reading and now I think you are a victim of someone who likes to spread lies on Wikipedia. This person edited the article about you on the English Wikipedia a couple of times.

    A lot of websites have you listed as Somali as well, I think they stole that incorrect information from Wikipedia, without noticing it was vandalism.

    Wikipedia is based on reliable sources, and I used your blog as a reliable source to prove the fact that you are not Somali.

    I understand my explanation is not perfect, if you have any questions feel free to ask them.

    Greetings from Amsterdam,
    Wasbeer (The name I use on Wikipedia)

  7. Another question:

    Did you marry someone named Selivanova?

    Is your name Katja Selivanova now?

    The Wikipedia article uses the name Shchekina.


  8. Hello Katja,

    Thanks for answering my question! I think I found the source of this problem.

    Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Wikipedia is an amazing project, I spend a lot of time working on it, but Wikipedia is not perfect. A lot of people edit Wikipedia, and most of them are trying to improve it, but some people deliberatly write lies on Wikipedia (we call that vandalism).

    Yesterday I was removing vandalism from Wikipedia and I noticed that there was a lot of confusion about your heritage/ethnicity/nationality.

    I spend some time reading and now I think you are a victim of someone who likes to spread lies on Wikipedia. This person edited the article about you on the English Wikipedia a couple of times.

    A lot of websites have you listed as Somali as well, I think they stole that incorrect information from Wikipedia, without noticing it was vandalism.

    Wikipedia is based on reliable sources, and I used your blog as a reliable source to prove the fact that you are not Somali.

    I understand my explanation is not perfect, if you have any questions feel free to ask them.

    Greetings from Amsterdam,
    Wasbeer (The name I use on Wikipedia)

  9. Or is Selivanova a nickname?

  10. I think I understand. You are married. Your husband's last name is Selivanova. What is his first name?

  11. Look what someone wrote on this forum on 12 February 2006!


    It is possible that this is the source of the problem on Wikipedia.

  12. I am sorry for long expectation of the answer!

    I married Vitaly Selivanov, and now my full name Ekaterina Selivanova. Ekaterina a full official name. The surname termination in Russian changes from a gender (sex) of the carrier, in my case the termination is "a".

    I am very grateful to you for your HUGE WORK in correction of this misunderstanding which rather has bothered me.

    Thanks you!

  13. Они наверное не видели настоящих сомалийцев в живую :))

  14. Hi everyone, special greetings and humble appology to Katja Shchekina (Ekaterina Selivanova) whom many alledgedly Somalians wrote about her that she is Half-Somali, and today i am convinced that is not and people lied about her, sorry. On the other hand Ekaterina Selivanova, despite that lies many Somalis like you, and they are not lies as those few editors, proud of you, hope history will write about you, You are a beacon, continue to prosperity. One day i hope i will buy your pictures at auctions or paintings thanks!

  15. There is nothing wrong with being Somali.So please be mindful of insulting an entire community.It was a silly rumour and as the community moved to the west more and more and began using the internet to connect you somehow slipped into the list of Somali models somehow and it just stayed.It's silly and equally i dont think Somalis want to believe someone is Somali when they are not.We have no shortage of famous models,believe me.Maybe if you live in a 'proud russian' society to be considered half african is an insult.The issue there lies within that society not necessarily the rumour.Cioa

    1. She didn’t insult the Somali people she was only frustrated with the viral rumor of her being half somali and the rumor that her father was a Somali that left her, she said nothing insulting about somalis

  16. ты ненавидишь сомалийцев? я понимаю, что вас беспокоят ложные слухи, но нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы быть наполовину сомалийцем или наполовину чернокожим

  17. She didn’t insult the Somali people she was only frustrated with the viral rumor of her being half somali and the rumor that her father was a Somali that left her, she said nothing insulting about somalis

  18. hahaha mister or miss OH NO you don't read Russian, I take it. Otherwise you get that she didn't mean nothing about Somali people ))) She just clear that she is more Hungarian Russian Komi than anything else and nothing more)))))
